Garfem my beloved <3


Socials :)

Discord: Wario#0001

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Here you can find the people I sub 2 and my music playlists

About me

Haiii :3 I'm Scarlet, and I am proudly trans.

I like mainly video games, art, music, and furry culture, as well as my other side hobbies and current hyper fixations. Such as computer keyboards! So far I've built 5 and I'm hoping to expand my list of built keyboards, please ask me for any keeb advice you would need, I'd love to help
I'm pansexual

ily and hope u have a great day!!! <3


  • She/Her

  • Xe/Xem Examples

  • If there are other prns u wanna use 4 me then just ask me, I'll let you know if it makes me uncomfy

  • Click the "Example" text to be sent to a page with prn examples :)

Special Interest!! (omg)


Rn and for the forseable future I rlly like keyboards!
Below are 2 of my keyboards, so far ive built 5, the other 2 were for friends and the last was for my brother

  • Specs (For blue keeb)

  • Case-CandybarR3Lefty

  • Stabilizers-C3 Equals stabs, wires and housing lubed

  • Switches-Gat InkBlack v2 switches, lubed (top housing not lubed) and not filmed

  • Keycaps-Gmk Blue Samurai keycaps

  • Specs (For red keeb)

  • Case-Kbdfans 60% 6 degree case

  • Pcb-Gk64 pcb

  • Switches-Kailh Box Jades

  • Stabilizers-Official Cherry Stabs, housing and wire lubed

  • Keycaps-Gmk Red Samurai

  • Artisans-Red dragon artisan (cant find original listing)

Music!!! :3
(It's so hard to choose only 5)

Music playlists


  • ~3 year age gap

  • Bigots and bigoted ideology

  • Most conservatives/conservative beliefs

  • Neo/xeno antis

  • Maps, Zoos, and etc...

  • "Furry Hunters"

  • Ppl who purposely misuse or make fun of tone tags

  • Using slurs that are not yours to reclaim

  • Sarcasm without the use of tone indicators

  • When ppl touch my hair without asking

  • When ppl just touch m in general without asking

Triggers/Trigger warning

Under no circumstances discuss this:
Irl death/gore in detail

Warnings please:
Sh, blades

Other stuffs/Extras!

Fav colour: BLUE!!! If you couldnt tell :)